Sunday, July 27, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - The second Listening

The other day, I was looking through my Higher Balance CDs and I decided to listen to The Ties That Bind. If you have ever listened to, or read something that just clicked, then You know what my experience was like. Of course, I have listened to The Ties That Bind when I first experienced Higher Balance, and when I heard it again I knew that it was exactly what I needed to hear. I always get more out of the HBI material the second time I hear it, as do most others.

You can check out Higher Balance and claim the answers to life's great mysteries!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Thunderstorms and Prana

There was a strong thunderstorm in the area while I was meditating last night. The feeling of prana flowing into and energizing my chakras was intense, not as subtle as usual. It may be that the storm concentrated the prana after all, a thunderstorm bring a considerable amount of electical energy. From now on, I will re-create this feeling while doing the HBI meditation.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Colors

Lately, I've been noticing colors that correspond to each of the chakras during my meditations. When I close my eyes and begin the HBI meditation, I see colors projected onto the inside of my eyelids. It's as is my eyelids are screens, and there are projectors within my eye. What's even more facsinating is that the colors change when I move on to a different chakra. I usually see reds at the Sacral Chakra, and blues or violets at the Brow, or Third-Eye Chakra.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Nerve Prana Healing

The technique that I learned in The Hidden Key is something I practice on a daily basis. I usually follow my daily Higher Balance prana meditation with The Hidden Key healing technique. Today, I really became absorbed in the frequency of that technique, and I could actually feel the prana spreading throughout my body. It seemed like it was using my nervous system to travel to other areas of my body. It was a subtle feeling, but the energy was definately moving through my nerves.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Flashes of Prana

Yesterday's meditation was the best I've had in a few weeks. The tingling energy sensation around my third-eye chakra was intense. I meditated in the afternoon and last night I saw two flashes of bright blue light. Eric Pepin, in some of the HBI material says blue usually means positivity and red prana is usually negative.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Seeing the Prana

Eric Pepin said in The Foundation that many people often see flashes of color after they have meditated. He explains how the meditation shifts your consciousness to a higher frequency and as a result, you will actually see the prana moving around. The other night, I had one of these sightings. It was just after I had finished the Higher Balance Foundation meditation. I saw a streak of dark blue light. It only lasted for about 1/10 of a second, and it was a pretty cool experience.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Higher Balance Institute CD's

It is really amazing how you can actually feel your energy vibration shift and rise to new levels just by listening to the Higher Balance CD's. I often feel the prana moving up my spine. It is unusual at first, but soon you may find yourself craving that feeling.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Sacral Chakra Prana

I could feel a significant tingling sensation at my Sacral Chakra while doing the Higher Balance meditation yesterday. The revolutionary Higher Balance system is the only meditation which actually allowed me to feel the energy moving within any of my chakras. I felt very calm and relaxed during the meditation, and I felt more in tune with the Gaia mind after meditating. Everyone should experience Higher Balance at least once in their lives.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Heart Chakra

While meditating last night, I could really feel the prana as it was flowing into my heart chakra. At the same time, I felt my energy body as it was moving around, it was as if I were floating above my physical body. I have never felt anything like this while doing other meditations, Higher Balance is so much different.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Tele-Seminar

Last night, I listened in on a live tele-seminar with Eric Pepin. It was so much more than I expected. He answered a few questions that had been submitted by other Navigators previously, as well as answering some questions by Navigators who called in to ask their question live. Eric's genuineness was clearly felt, this was the first time I had ever heard him speak live. The evening was concluded with a guided meditation by Eric. It was a great experience.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Controlling the Weather

Today I got on my electric scooter and rode it to a meadow near my house. I was photographing some wildflowers and the wind made it very difficult. It seemed that every time I centered the flower in the frame, the wind would blow and I'd have to start all over again. I decided to use a technique I discovered in the Higher Balance expansion module: Mind Storm. I was able to stop the wind long enough to capture the photo and when i lost the calm feeling, the wind started up again.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - What is the HBI Meditation?

Easily achieve happiness and wholeness through a new, break-through system that blends 21st century technology with the life-changing insights of a natural “enlightened master”… who will unlock all of his secrets and reveal to you the true potential of your mind and spirit!

  • Have you ever craved a “defining moment” in your spiritual quest?
  • Do you yearn for the fulfillment of your deepest hopes and dreams?
  • Do you want the power to break through the most stubborn barriers and confusion that blocks you from truly enjoying your life?
  • Do you sincerely desire to understand your inner purpose and stop “sleep-walking” through your precious time on earth?

It is time for you to join a true revolution of mind, body and spirit and Experience Higher Balance!