Monday, June 30, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Best Time to Meditate

Many people would like to know when to meditate. Now that you have been introduced to the Higher Balance system and you are able to awaken your consciousness, you're probably wondering when the best time to meditate is. The best time of day to meditate may be different for everyone, so experiment to find the time when your mind is quiet. I always seem to drift into the deepest states when I meditate in the late evening or at night.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - The Sixth Sense

I am noticing myself becoming more awae of the events around me. I have more insight, and sometime I feel that I just know what is going to happen before it actually happens. My sixth sense is more developed because of the Higher Balance meditations.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Healing Cardiomyopathy

Yesterday I was experiencing terrible heart palpitations. I have a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and I am always experimenting on a natural cure. I used the technique I learned in the Higher Balance module called The Hidden Key, and I feel much better today. The Higher Balance techniques have delivered results that I was never able to achieve with any other teachings!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Connections

I meditated twice yesterday. Just before my evening meditation I had the strangest feeling. I felt so connected to the Earth, yet so distant. While meditating, I could really feel the prana flowing into tmy chakras and clearing out all the negative energy. This was, by far, the most deeply connected I have ever felt, and I highly recommend the Higher Balance material to anyone searching for something more.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - The Source Realized

I was listening to one of the Higher Balance expansion modules yesterday, the title is; The Source Realized. Eric Pepin really does a fantastic job at explaining how God came to be. Everyone talks about God, but no one ever offers an explanation of what God is. That is, until now. Eric's explanation really makes sense is is not simply based upon "faith" or "myth". I highly suggest this module, or any of the HBI material to anyone craving answers that others cannot offer.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Healing

My dad has been sick with strep throat for the past week. My mom also developed strep throat, and my throat was feeling sore yesterday. My dad told me that it would probably get worse overnight. I decided to use the technique I learned in the HBI module; The Hidden Key. This morning, my throat feels better than it did yesterday.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Cloudbusting

A simple weather control technique was revealed by Eric Pepin in the Higher Balance Advanced Technique module - Mind Storm. Yesterday, I decided it was time for me to apply this technique called cloudbusting. It worked just as Eric Pepin said it would, the cloud I chose began to dissipate right before my eyes! I have never discovered this type of knowlege with any other material. Thank you Higher Balance for revealing these techniques.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Knowing

Last night, my meditation was much better than yesterday morning. It was probably the heat that distracted me. After meditating last night, I felt more connected, I felt as if I knew something that others did not.
Experience the impossible with Higher Balance.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Foundation Meditation

The HBI Foundation meditation is so much more than simply visualizing. It actually trains your brain to accept spiritual and paranormal experiences. It pulls in prana in greater volume than traditional meditations and actually shifts your consciousness, this is why it's so effective. It was difficult for me to focus this morning, it is around 90 degrees here in RI and I suspect it was the humidity that distracted me, I'll meditate again tonight when it is cooler.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Mind Storm

Once again Eric Pepin and HBI uncover the truths behind the mysteries that you won't discover anywhere else. Last night, I listened to the module called Mind Storm in the Advanced Technique Series. Even as I was listening th Eric, I could feel my consciousness shift as I discovered the information my mind has been yearning for. This module was about weather control, and one of the simplest techniques was called "Cloud Busting".

Friday, June 20, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Energy Movments

Last night, my meditations teleported to a whole new level. As I was focusing on the chakras, I could actually feel the energy moving and swirling around within the chakras. It was incredible, these meditations are beyond anything I have ever experienced!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Higher Balance Institute

Since I was diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia in 2004, meditations became a part of my life. I often wondered why I never saw results from my meditations. I read every book I could get my hands on and spent countless dollars on crystals and meditation tools.
It was not until early 2006 that I discovered the secret behind meditations. When I found that missing link through Higher Balance, my meditations shifted to a whole new dimension. There was so much more to meditating than visualizing chakras. I immediately saw the results that could not be achieved with ordinary meditations.

Discover Hyperdimensional Meditations!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - Modules

I could actually feel my consciousness shift last night as I was listening to some of the Higher Balance modules. What a profound experience it was, an experience that cannot be felt with average meditations and spiritual material. This is what sets Higher Balance apart from all the others. Most spiritual teachers can't, or won't give the information that Eric Pepin gives.
Stop reading about my experiences and now feel it for yourself.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Higher Balance Institute - The Hidden Key

I listened to The Hidden Key last night and it was mind blowing. It made so much sense, it was the kind of forbidden bits of information that no one else will tell you; leave it to Eric Pepin to unveil this incredible stuff. As I was listening, I could feel my mind illuminating, like thousands of light bulbs were being turned on.
It was simply amazing! Higher Balance has outdone themselves again!